How are you retaining the key people in your business?

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Home » How are you retaining the key people in your business?

As someone who has worked in the Utility industry for the last twenty years, I don’t think I would be alone in saying that the last year or so has been the most turbulent that the utilities industries have faced for quite some time.  Smart metering, digital transformation and water privatisation are all contributing to a sector influx – and this is having an impact on all elements of businesses involved in the sectors.

Having spent the last 11 years helping companies recruit the people they need to succeed, we’re perhaps well placed to make comment on the trends that impact businesses biggest costs, and the areas that have the biggest impact on the relative success and failure of their organisations.  And as such I was really interested in the results of our latest survey, which looked at the reasons behind why people might choose to leave companies, and what they might look for when job hunting.

Perhaps not unsurprisingly, this survey proved quite controversial, but I think the results speak for themselves.  This month we launched a white paper outlining some of the findings, which I think all utilities business will find invaluable when looking at how they reward and retain their key people.

This period of change means that we are finding it increasingly difficult to find the talent needed – particularly new entrants to the sector. A period of moderate stability has meant there have only been limited numbers of people with the operational skills sets needed, and these skills need time and training to develop.  So retaining key people within your business, as well as providing attractive packages for new starters is vital, in this ever competitive age.  And I don’t necessarily mean in wages – our white paper outlines some quite surprising results when it comes to what people look for in the businesses they work for.

Our job is to help organisations attract, recruit and retain their most valuable asset – their people – and I would encourage you to download our white paper to find out more about how your business can get the competitive edge.


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